Hello, beautiful souls.
I’m Vero, the owner of Sacred Crystals, and I’ve been practicing spirituality for over 30 years. And let me tell you something right upfront: even after all these years of spiritual work, I still get blue sometimes. We all do. It’s human.
A friend of mine recently reached out and asked me what I do when I’m feeling down. And honestly, the first thing I want you to know is this: it’s normal. No matter what kind of spiritual work you’ve done, no matter how connected you are, you are still human—and being human means feeling the full range of emotions. Even the most enlightened teachers go through it.
What you see online—the perfect lives, the endless positivity—it’s not the full picture. Everyone faces challenges. Everyone feels low sometimes. You’re not alone. And you’re not failing if you feel this way.
So what helps when the blues hit?
Here are a few things that work for me:
1. Sit in meditation
Sometimes, I’ll just sit quietly and go inward. I talk to myself about my future—what I want my life to feel like—and I let myself act as if it’s already happening. It’s not always easy, but even imagining the future I want helps shift my energy.
2. Listen to the teachers
I drive a lot, and when I’m not feeling great, I’ll put on my favorite teachers. Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, Alan Watts, Ram Dass, Neville Goddard—oh, and Bashar too! These voices remind me of what I already know deep down: that I’m creating my reality and that I’m not stuck.
The teachers might use different words, but they’re all speaking the same truth in their own way. And sometimes, just hearing it from another voice is enough to lift me up.
3. Scripting: “I remember when…”
This is one of my favorite tools. I sit down with a journal and write out a scene from the future as if it’s already happened.
I start with:
“I remember when things felt tough… I’m so glad we got through that. Life is so amazing right now. Everything is flowing. Here’s what’s happening…”
And I get specific. I’ll write three full pages, letting it pour out. By the time I’m halfway through, I’m feeling better. By the time I finish, I’m so excited about the future I’m describing that it feels real.
4. Let the good thoughts in
It’s easy to spiral when you’re feeling down. But the truth is, this moment isn’t the end of the story. The key is to let the good thoughts in—through teachers, through your own writing, through whatever reminds you that things will shift.
5. Trust that it will pass
Nothing lasts forever—not the highs, and not the lows. This moment isn’t permanent. You don’t have to force yourself to feel better immediately. Just trust that you will feel better. The light will return.
It’s okay to feel blue. It’s okay to need a moment. But know that you are not stuck. You are powerful. You are creating your reality, even when you don’t feel like you are. Keep going. Let the good in. It will pass.
Vero ❤️