Archangel Metatron Mini Wand Necklace
Archangel Metatron "Angel of the Presence of God"
Archangel Metatron helps with ADD or ADHD and the children known as the Indigos; as well as any children’s issues. Metatron also helps with the record-keeping, organization, spiritual understanding, and writing. He manages special at the archives called Akashic Records.
Dumotierite and Tourmaline are wonderful stones for new children.
Dumotierite: helps children and adults by promoting self-discipline, tidiness, courage, trust, accomplishments, harmony, positive attitude, patience, and tolerance. It highly reduces disorganization, scattered thinking, distractions, and will help us cope with panic and fear. It will reduce excitability and hyperactivity. Dumotierite encourages calmness when others are chaotic. It will also assist you in understanding, unusual or mystical events you experience. Working with the fifth chakra Dumotierite helps one express their true self and creative expression.
Multicolored Tourmaline and Watermelon Tourmaline:
Tourmaline is called the rainbow stone because it passed through rainbows to receive all the beautiful colors. It emanates the energies of love, joy and inner harmony. It sues emotions, traumatic memories and sorrow. Multicolored tourmaline works with all the chakras to restore balance. Promotes a consistent state of joy based in the heart and soul well enhancing happiness, objectivity, compassion, serenity, balance, positive transformation, healing, strength, tolerance, and understanding. Is an excellent channeling stone for communication with higher forces.
Clear Quartz: for intention and amplification.