Goldstone Chakra Bracelet

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7 Chakra Stone Bracelet Metaphysical Properties

Overview: The 7 Chakra Stone Bracelet is a powerful accessory designed to balance and harmonize the seven primary chakras of the body. Each stone corresponds to a specific chakra, aiding in the alignment and proper flow of energy through the body's energetic centers.

Metaphysical Attributes:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):

    • Stone: Typically represented by Red Carnelian, Red Jasper or Garnet.
    • Attributes: Provides grounding, stability, and a sense of safety. It helps to enhance physical energy and endurance, supporting a strong connection to the earth.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

    • Stone: Often symbolized by Tiger Eye, Orange Carnelian or Orange Calcite.
    • Attributes: Stimulates creativity, passion, and joy. It aids in emotional balance and supports healthy relationships and sexual vitality.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

    • Stone: Represented by Yellow Aventurine or Citrine.
    • Attributes: Enhances personal power, confidence, and self-discipline. It helps in overcoming fear and embracing one's personal strength and willpower.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata):

    • Stone: Typically symbolized by Green Aventurine or Rose Quartz.
    • Attributes: Fosters love, compassion, and emotional healing. It promotes harmony in relationships and a deep connection to oneself and others.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

    • Stone: Often represented by Blue Howlite, Lapis Lazuli or Blue Lace Agate.
    • Attributes: Encourages clear communication, self-expression, and truth. It supports the articulation of thoughts and feelings, enhancing one’s ability to speak authentically.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

    • Stone: Typically symbolized by Amethyst or Sodalite.
    • Attributes: Enhances intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. It aids in the development of psychic abilities and deepens meditation practices.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

    • Stone: Represented by Clear Quartz or Amethyst.
    • Attributes: Promotes spiritual connection, enlightenment, and a sense of unity with the universe. It aids in transcending the ego and experiencing higher states of consciousness.

Overall Benefits:

  • Energetic Balance: Wearing a 7 Chakra Stone Bracelet helps to ensure that all seven chakras are balanced and aligned, promoting the free flow of energy through the body.
  • Holistic Healing: This bracelet supports holistic well-being by addressing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of health.
  • Emotional Stability: By harmonizing the chakras, it helps to maintain emotional equilibrium, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Spiritual Growth: It fosters a deeper connection with oneself and the universe, aiding in spiritual growth and development.

Each stone in the 7 Chakra Stone Bracelet plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the body's energetic system, promoting overall well-being and spiritual harmony.


Goldstone, often referred to as the "Stone of Ambition," is a man-made gemstone known for its glittering appearance and metaphysical properties. Despite its synthetic origins, Goldstone has captivated the interest of spiritual practitioners and metaphysical enthusiasts for centuries, believed to hold potent energies for those who seek to manifest their goals and aspirations.

Physical Characteristics Goldstone is characterized by its shimmering inclusions, which give it a starry appearance. These inclusions are created by suspended tiny particles of copper or other metals within the glass. Goldstone typically comes in shades of reddish-brown, blue, and green, each variant possessing unique vibrational qualities.

Metaphysical Properties Goldstone is widely recognized in metaphysical practices for its ability to instill ambition, drive, and confidence. Its shimmering appearance is said to reflect the light of inspiration and the path to success.

  1. Ambition and Drive: Goldstone is known to boost ambition and drive, making it a powerful stone for those who need motivation to achieve their goals. It is often used in practices aimed at enhancing one's career prospects or overcoming obstacles to success.

  2. Protection: In addition to its energizing properties, Goldstone is also believed to offer protection. It deflects unwanted energies and shields the user from negative influences, making it an excellent stone for maintaining a positive environment.

  3. Stability and Balance: Goldstone's grounding properties help stabilize emotions and promote a balanced state of mind. It encourages a positive attitude and reduces tension, making it beneficial for those dealing with stress or anxiety.

  4. Creativity: The stone’s vibrant energy stimulates creativity and innovation. Artists, writers, and other creative professionals often use Goldstone to inspire new ideas and overcome creative blocks.

  5. Healing: While we are excluding health topics, it’s worth noting that Goldstone's energy is also utilized for spiritual healing practices, promoting a sense of well-being and emotional resilience.

Historical Context and Cultural Significance Goldstone has a rich history dating back to the Italian Renaissance when it was first created by alchemists who sought to mimic the appearance of natural gold. The stone's creation process was closely guarded, adding to its mystique and value.

Natural Creation Process Although Goldstone is a man-made gemstone, its creation process is fascinating and involves significant craftsmanship. It is made by melting silica (sand) along with copper oxides or other metallic compounds in a controlled environment. As the molten mixture cools, the copper particles remain suspended within the glass, forming the characteristic glittery appearance. This process mirrors the way natural stones are formed, through the slow cooling and solidification of molten materials.

Usage in Spiritual Practices Goldstone's versatility makes it a popular choice for various spiritual practices. Here are some ways it can be incorporated:

  1. Meditation: Holding or placing Goldstone on the body during meditation can help focus the mind and enhance the flow of positive energy.

  2. Chakra Healing: Goldstone is particularly effective for balancing the Root Chakra, ensuring a strong foundation for spiritual growth and physical well-being.

  3. Energy Grids: It can be used in energy grids to amplify intentions related to success, ambition, and protection.

  4. Jewelry: Wearing Goldstone as jewelry keeps its energies close to the body, providing continuous support and motivation throughout the day.

Conclusion Goldstone, with its synthetic origins and glittering beauty, stands out in the metaphysical community for its powerful energetic properties. Whether used for boosting ambition, providing protection, or stimulating creativity, Goldstone offers a unique blend of beauty and functionality. Its creation process, akin to an alchemical transformation, symbolizes the potential for turning one’s aspirations into reality, making it a cherished stone for many spiritual practitioners.



A note on buying crystals, stones and jewelry online...

Know that we understand how difficult it can be to choose crystals, stones and jewelry without feeling it. When you order from the Sacred Crystals know that your crystals, stones and jewelry will be selected by one of our intuitive crystal oracles.   Vero trusts that the Crystals know where they belong and will find their way - trust that the right Crystal will find you, if you were called to order from our online store.

We are honored that you have chosen us as your online Crystal supplier and we hope that you will trust in Spirit, the Universe and/or All that Is that you will receive exactly the crystals, stones or jewelry that is meant for you. Know that your Crystal has gone to great lengths and traveled far to be with you. The purpose of this connection is now up to you to discover.

*These crystals, stones and jewelry vary slightly as no two items are exactly the same. Though all are approximately the same dimensions and look very similar to the crystals, stones or jewelry pictured, we cannot guarantee you will receive one of the EXACT Crystals/Stones/Jewelry pictured here.

You will receive ONE (1) item, hand selected by a Crystal Oracle with love and intuition.




This is not a Medical and/or Healthcare Product.


The information on our products comes from our own experiences and from research, books, articles and information on the subjects/items.

While it is true that Crystals, Gemstones and Herbs have been used historically, to prevent or relieve symptoms - our products are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Under NO circumstances does Sacred Crystals imply that any product(s) is/are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific medical condition or disease, nor are we making any medical claims whatsoever. Please consult a Health Care Professional regarding healthcare issues.


As a user of our products, you acknowledge that the information contained herein is not intended to be, nor is to be, treated as a substitute for professional medical advice relative to a specific medical condition, issue or question. Sacred Crystals assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of any of our products.


We assist people in correcting energetic imbalances in their bio-field that assists the body to release its innate healing ability. When the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body's innate natural energy heals itself. All healing is self-healing. Our spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. Our work is spiritually based and we believe all healing is spiritual in nature. We do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of the work or the energy sessions. The use of stones or crystals as a wellness therapy or energy work (in addition to your primary healthcare) is a personal choice.