Opalite Destiny Tower

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Opalite is a man-made crystal, often mistaken for natural opal due to its similar milky appearance and iridescent qualities. This stone is renowned in the metaphysical community for its serene and emotionally soothing properties.

Origins and Creation

Opalite, also known as "Opalized Glass," is synthesized from dolomite and metal to produce its distinctive appearance. The manufacturing process involves fusing glass with various opalescent minerals, resulting in a luminous stone that shimmers with blue and white hues when exposed to light. This man-made creation mimics the beauty of natural opal while being more accessible and affordable.

Metaphysical Properties

Opalite is highly valued for its metaphysical properties, making it a popular choice for those seeking emotional and spiritual balance. Below is an in-depth look at the diverse aspects of Opalite’s metaphysical significance:

  1. Emotional Healing and Calm

    • Tranquility and Peace: Opalite is believed to bring a sense of calm and tranquility to its user. It is often used to alleviate anxiety, depression, and other emotional disturbances. Its gentle energy soothes the nerves, promoting a peaceful and serene state of mind.
    • Emotional Balance: This stone helps stabilize mood swings and promotes inner harmony. It encourages one to express their emotions healthily and constructively.
  2. Spiritual Growth and Connection

    • Higher Consciousness: Opalite is associated with enhancing spiritual growth and improving communication with the spiritual realm. It aids in achieving higher states of consciousness during meditation and spiritual practices.
    • Psychic Abilities: The stone is often used to amplify psychic abilities and intuition. It is particularly beneficial for those seeking to strengthen their third eye and crown chakras, facilitating a deeper connection to the spiritual world.
  3. Energy Amplification and Transformation

    • Energy Flow: Opalite is known to enhance the flow of energy within the body, making it an excellent tool for energy healers. It helps clear blockages and ensures a smooth and balanced energy flow.
    • Transformation and Transition: This stone is particularly useful during times of change and transition. It supports its user through significant life changes, providing clarity and calmness, and helping them adapt to new circumstances with grace.
  4. Communication and Relationships

    • Improved Communication: Opalite is a powerful stone for enhancing communication on all levels. It is beneficial for improving both verbal and non-verbal communication, making it easier to convey one’s thoughts and feelings clearly.
    • Relationship Harmony: The stone fosters better relationships by promoting mutual understanding and reducing misunderstandings. It encourages emotional honesty and supports the building of strong, healthy connections.
  5. Self-Expression and Creativity

    • Creativity Boost: Opalite stimulates creative expression and artistic endeavors. It helps release inhibitions and encourages one to explore new ideas and perspectives.
    • Self-Expression: It supports individuals in finding their voice and expressing their true selves without fear or hesitation.

Chakra Associations

Opalite is predominantly associated with the third eye and crown chakras:

  • Third Eye Chakra: Located between the eyebrows, this chakra is the center of intuition and foresight. Opalite helps to open and balance the third eye chakra, enhancing psychic abilities and inner vision.
  • Crown Chakra: Positioned at the top of the head, the crown chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Opalite’s energy aids in connecting with the divine and accessing higher wisdom.

Usage in Practices

Opalite can be used in various metaphysical practices, including:

  • Meditation: Holding or placing Opalite near during meditation can enhance spiritual insight and promote a deep sense of peace.
  • Crystal Grids: Incorporating Opalite into crystal grids can amplify the grid’s energy, particularly those focused on communication, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.
  • Jewelry: Wearing Opalite jewelry allows its soothing energies to stay in close contact with the body, providing continuous emotional support and balance.


Opalite, though man-made, possesses a range of metaphysical properties that make it a valuable tool for emotional healing, spiritual growth, and enhanced communication. Its serene energy helps users navigate life changes, achieve higher consciousness, and foster harmonious relationships. Whether used in meditation, energy healing, or as everyday jewelry, Opalite offers a gentle yet powerful support system for personal and spiritual development.

Divine Tower