Sacred Crystals Course
I LOVE my Crystals - NOW WHAT?
Have you ever gone to the Crystal Shop and fallen in LOVE with a particular crystal?
You buy it, take it home, carry it your pocket for a bit and think - now what?
Do you want to know how to USE your Sacred Crystals beyond a pocket energy boost?
Then you are ready for Sacred Crystals!
This course combines crystal energy knowledge with using these crystals in everyday life
Sacred Crystal Caretaker* Certification Course - Level 1
8 weeks online - (old school - this is an online workbook - see product photos for sample pages.)
Education + Certification
Taught by Vero Bero
Purchase course and we will send you the Link and Password. So you can always find it the link is here:
PASSWORD: Emailed upon purchase. :)
Here it is! The Sacred Crystals Online Course is finally here.
Whether you wish to someday run your own shop or you just want to have the Crystal Knowledge to be able to use Crystal Energy in your every day Magical Life - this course will leave you with a solid foundation of Crystal Knowledge and Lore and the confidence to use and discuss the uses of Crystal Energy in your daily routine.
I knew when I expanded my Crystal Shops beyond me as a Sole Proprietress that I would need very special people to be able to duplicate my success in my small brick and mortar business. Anyone can work a retail job - but it takes a special and well educated soul to run a Spiritual and Metaphysical Crystal Shop. Since I cannot be in multiple places at once, I had to train people to treat the crystals, the energy of the store, and the people who came in with the same care, respect and knowledge that I did. Thus Crystal Caretakers were born - *which have now evolved to Crystal Oracles.
I have never had mere employees. Since I first hired help to run my stores - and I have opened 19+ locations over the years - and trained the hundreds of Crystal Caretakers that have passed through on their journey, I have always known that to work in a metaphysical shop takes a special type of human. It is those wonderful beings that I see as the number one reason for the store's success - and now this site's success.
I look forward to going on this journey with you and I will be available to you with all of the knowledge I have in my head for not only the duration of this class, but for your lifetime as a Crystal Oracle.
Namaste and Blessed Be!
Vero Bero
Founder and co-creator, Sacred Crystals!
About the course...
Sacred Crystals is an 8 week course that introduces you to 32 different Crystal Allies. Throughout the course we will explore not only the energy of these sacred stones but the many ways in which you can partner with them in everyday life. You will finish this course as a Certified Level 1 Crystal Caretaker.
This class is open for enrollment.
BEST BONUS: Live Retreat Discount
Thinking about the online course vs the live retreat? Think no more.
As a special bonus for signing up for the online course you get the price of the online course subtracted from the cost of the Live Retreat - AT ANY SACRED CRYSTALS LIVE RETREAT - you choose. Live retreats will be held stateside AND all over the world.
And I think this is a bonus: No time constraints.
This in an 8 week course. AND this course is yours to complete whether it takes 8 weeks or 8 years. This information is yours and will remain yours as long as you want it to be available to you.