AND it’s gonna be a BIG ONE, it’s the second (of three) Supermoons during all of 2022.
The Full Buck Moon Supermoon in Capricorn ~ pushing for Growth and Transformation!
Capricorn (the tenth astrological sign) originates from the Constellation Capricornus depicted as a horned goat (or a Sea Goat), and sometimes with a fish fin tale, element is Earth.
The biggest and brightest Supermoon of the year!
Always try to get out to see the Full Moon at the Moon rising time near you, when it is close to the horizon, it looks the biggest and best of the night if you ask me.
Why is it called The Buck Moon you might ask, it’s because this time of year is when the Male Deer (also called a Buck) shed their antlers and regrow them bigger and better, this happens every year.
Other names for the July Full Moon:
Nut Moon (Cherokees) ~ also a reminder of the Brush Feast Festival
Moon of the Crane
Thunder Moon ~ for the storms this time of year
Red Lilly Moon
Grass Cutter Moon
Halfway Summer Moon or Mid Summer Moon
Salmon Moon ~ because Salmon are now going up river
Feather Moulting Moon or Feather Shedding Moon (Ducks & Birds shedding feathers)
Moon of the Horse
Ripening Moon & other examples include: Berry Moon, Chokecherry Moon, Corn Moon, Raspberry Moon, Squash Moon, Blackberry Moon, ect ..
The Lunar greatness in USA history for this month:
On July 16th 1969 NASA launched Apollo 11 towards its Lunar landing on our fantastic Moon counterpart, and four days later, on July 20th 1969 Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped out on to Earths one and only Moon! You might recall the epic picture of Armstrong planting the American flag on the Moon.
Now, lets get down to some witchy business ~ my favorite part:)
What to do during this months Full Moon?
As a quick re-cap, last month we took the time to cleanse our space and we completed a Cord Cutting Ritual - aka - Unbinding Ceremony with candles. Let's do another ceremony!
As the Buck sheds it’s antlers, we must think of this time, also, as a time to shed the old and that which no longer serves us.
Utilize this Full Moon to write down what you are giving up (like New Years Resolutions) you can take that paper and give it back to the Universe so that you can be cleansed of it, examples may include:
Burning it in your abalone shell (always be careful with fire and utilize adult supervision & always practice safety with fire and flammable items).
Burying the snuffed out ashes or sending them down the River or into the Ocean.
Tearing up the piece of paper or shredding it (it being decomposed wood now, is not hazardous or pollutant).
Cord Cutting Rituals or Unbinding Ceremonies with candles would also be great to complete closure.
I highly suggest - when getting rid of the negative and that which no longer services you, ALWAYS follow up with a good Smudging or Cleansing (ex: Selenite) - followed by setting of intentions to bring in the positivity and take time out to be grateful!
Due to the planetary alignment during this Full Moon, be ready to address emotions (always a trend with Full Moons), and the Capricorn of this Full Moon will also be a great partner for your personal development, self talk and Shadow Work (NOoooo, not dark magic).
I digress, side topic being addressed: What is Shadow Work:
When we discuss Shadow Work, we are talking about the underlying YOU! The bits, parts, and pieces buried in there that ultimately make you who you are, and who you will be!
Shadow Work is working with your subconscious all the way deep down to the unconscious parts of the minds interworking.
Shadow Work can eventually bring to light things about yourself that you might not have even realized, it's an Uncovering of the pieces DEEP down there, that we hide from ourselves or that we have repressed or forgotten; pieces that we feel are undesirable or shameful. Shadow Work is, by no means, easy. Shadow Work can eventually also bring up past traumas or even past life regression.
Where do I start my shadow work: might be your next question.
Lets keep on topic, so for now, I’ll suggest starting with journaling via stream of consciousness. To talk more about Shadow Work, let me know and we’ll write up a little something about that too or contact us! We’re always here to help!
Back to the Full Moon already!
Because of Capricorns disciplined and practical nature, it is a perfect time to sit down and do some self reflecting and to solidify some life goals. Reconfigure your growth to suit your life path, if you find yourself somewhat astray lately, nows the perfect time to realign your lifes workings with step by step proceedings.
How ever you feel is the best way to go about it: short-term goals, long-term goals or by level of priority, get that pen and paper, get it down and create some steps on how to success in these goals. It is often times easy to start with three to five main goals, then figure out the steps you need to take to get to your end result.
Because Full Moon in Capricorn is SOOO Serious (picture that in the Jokers voice for fun), tomorrow we are being silly! We will be taking a telephoto lens around and having some Full Moon Fun!
Be outside for the Full Moon & feel its energy charge you up ~ allow yourself to be recharged
- This month it rises between 7:45pm-8pm from where I am standing, if you need to know the Moon Rising Time for your location, feel free to [contact us] and we would love to help you out!
Keep your vibes up my cosmic friends!
Stay tuned up .. and Stay tuned in to this monthly series and more coming soon <3
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